USB drive has the Basic and Advanced Solo Canoeing videos plus a music video and bloppers.
The four MP4 files in the USB drive twists open and closes in a polished and engaved bamboo card.
Basic Classic Solo Canoeing with Becky Mason is a superbly crafted video that is both informative and beautiful to watch. You'll learn to apply the classic basic solo paddling strokes simply and gracefully, master the art of the portage, and pick up tips on canoe safety, maintenance, and equipment selection. Running time: approx 40 mins © 2000 Awarded Best Instructional Film at the Waterwalker Film Festival.
- Advanced Classic Solo Canoeing with Becky Mason. With 25 years of instructor experience she takes you for a wild spin in her cedar-canvas canoe on the crystal clear waters of Lac Vert, Quebec with stunning underwater camera angles. The 16 strokes and manoeuvres each have unique tips and stories about them. Running time: approx 40 mins © 2011 Awarded Best Instructional film at the Waterwalker Festival.
- Music Video - Solo Reflections - Becky teams up with recording artist Ian Tamblyn in musical video.
- Outtakes - Classic Solo Moments -The bloopers and blunders during the making of Adv Classic Solo Canoeing.
"...the Red Canoe USB works flawlessly. I’ve watched it several times, I just wish I could paddle half that good.", John Trevaskis
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